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We ship very quickly - in most cases we will pack and visit the post office the same day if your order is received before 12pm! Shipping costs are calculated automatically on checkout.

48 Contiguous States

We will ship USPS Priority Mail in most cases and your order will arrive within 1 to 3 business days, however occasionally it can take longer for various reasons outside of our control. Sometimes we cannot ship using this service for various reasons and will use an alternative postal service which will arrive within the same advertised time frame. If a shipment goes missing there is an insurance claim process which adds additional time. New York customers please note we must add 8.625% state sales tax on all orders.

Alaska, Hawaii and Guam

These locations take a little longer to arrive than those packages sent to the lower 48 states. Please contact us if you have any concerns on the whereabouts of your package and we will follow it up with USPS.

APO/FPO addresses

We used to ship to APO/FPO addresses without any issue however regrettably have had to cease doing so as of early 2021 due to increasing USPS claims raised for opened (missing contents) or undelivered orders. Please consider having your order shipped to a friend or family member, or if possible nominate another residential or commercial address which doesn't involve the extra level of scrutiny or delay that packages appear to undergo with APO/FPO addresses. Contact us if there are no alternative address options and we'll see what we can work out.

Canada - sales are temporarily suspended from the 11-29-2024 due to the Canada Post strike.

We use USPS Priority Mail International or Global Post for Canada. We've tried cheaper methods but they have proven unreliable. We can export up to a maximum product value of $500 to Canada (per order/shipment, and this limit doesn't include the shipping cost). Coretac Solutions located in Mississauga, Ontario carries stock of many of our bolt handles, bolt knobs and other accessories.


Please contact us for Australian orders. We can ship from New York via an international postal service ($46) however much our product line is stocked in Melbourne.

Europe, the UK, and Scandinavia

Wood2Stock is a manufacturer of custom rifle stocks based in The Netherlands and as of 2023 they are carrying more of our product line. Please review their webstore to determine if the product you are looking for is available there. Otherwise please contact them directly to arrange a special order / back order for any of our products (lead times apply).

Rest of the World

We value the business from our friends around the World. Due to US export controls we are limited to $100 per order (product value only, not shipping cost) and there are some countries we cannot export to. We ship usually with USPS or Global Post at the rate of $44.66 for most small orders. From our own experience, the average delivery time from the day we post to when it arrives to most international destinations is 3 to 4 calendar weeks. The tracking information will not show where the parcel is 100% of the time - particularly between when it is exported to the point where it arrives into a foreign customs for clearance processing, as is the case with many of the expensive courier services. Please contact us first if you have concerns about your order so we can file a missing mail search to check the actual status. We cannot accept responsibility for customs in the destination country delaying / seizing any orders or imposing taxes. Please be aware of your own country's legal requirements before ordering, and please do not order if you don't accept these terms.

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Lumley Arms USA © 2025